DIY Gardener Handscrub

Hey friends! Well I found something fun on Pinterest, that looked actually attainable for my level of skills, and modified it a bit. Tada! I give you moisturizing gardeners hand scrub. Really, it could be used for any kind of outdoor worker, but it both cleans, exfoliates, and moisturizes at the same time. Three in one? That’s my kind of product.

It is really simple to make. Really. You just need a few items:

  • dish soap with some kind of moisturizer that’s good for the hands. This particular kind was Palmolive Soft Touch with blueberry and almond milk scent. ($1 at the dollar tree. )
  • Good ole’ white sugar (already on hand)
  • Olive oil (on hand as well)
  • A wide mouthed jar with a lid ($1 at Dollar Tree also… winning!)

Ready for the super simple instructions? Pour in 3/4 cup sugar, then 1/3 cup dish soap. Add in 1-2 tbsp olive oil for added softness on your hands. Stir it up and voila! A hand scrub that cleans the dirt off, exfoliates the skin, and softens those hard working hands at once. Will I use it even though I don’t have hard working hands? You’re darn right!

In the words of Bailey, complements of his kindergarten teacher – Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.


Blessings and happy handwashing ☺️


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